Learn how to create mind-blowing Art.
Bring your Inner Vision to Life.
- Discover your creative power through art.
- Overcome your fear and overwhelm of starting an art piece.
- Access your inner vision and learn how to translate it to canvas.
- Develop skills to render fantastic imagery with realistic accuracy.
- Clear creative obstacles, and learn to express your vision.
Join an ARTJAM!
Members of the Visionary Arts Academy get access to several ARTJAM sessions a month, where artists from around the world come together to cocreate and share their visions!
Watch this video to see a few excerpts of recent ARTJAM sessions, featuring epic visionary artists like Amanda Sage, Ka Amorastreya, Jake Kobrin in VR, Simon Haiduk, Michael Garfield, Randal Roberts, and many more.
The Visionary Art Academy is an online education platform featuring classes and tutorials from your favorite Visionary Artists.
Our courses cover a wide variety of subjects, from technique and process to personal transformation and self-development.
Upcoming Courses
Sacred Geometry I – Now Open!
Secrets of geometry in Art…
Intro to Perspective – Now Open!
One point, two point, three point perspective and more…
Oil Painting LV1
Learn how to paint with oil.

Our teachers instantly earn up to 60% of all course sales, and 10% is donated to the Visionary Arts Foundation non-profit organization to support artists internationally.