Quick Sketch of Me:


Pamela Cail

My Vision for the World

Welcome to the vibrantly colourful and beautifully creative world of Pamela Cail – an intuitive soul -energy artist from New Brunswick, Canada.
Pamela paints energy portraits which are sometimes referred to as Soul portraits.
Instead of someone’s portrait which could mean painting their face and skin, she paints the vibrational energy of light and colour flowing from within your higher heart space ( it’s important to note it’s not your busy mind space she will be painting that maybe filled with fear, judgement ,, regret, lose ect. ) Pamela will only be painting what’s flowing from the powerful energy of the heart which is pure  unconditional love, peace, joy, expectance and also much guidance, and if you are looking for it a REAL way to true freedom!
Pamela paints under the name REA which means Rainbow Energy Alive art.
Rainbow. A blending of colours that is totally unique and beautiful. These rainbow of colours will be used to capture the essence of the truth within your heart space, the voice of the soul..
Energy.YOU are a powerful multidimensional Being of energy and light!
Alive. YOU will be able to feel the aliveness within your portrait moving and transforming your live in the most amazing way.
Art . This form of art is transforming for the person being painted and for anyone who resonates to the colours and shapes within the REA energy portrait. Your REA energy portrait will literally change the vibration within your home to a higher frequency.
Pamela will be painting your REA energy portrait (Stevenson acrylic & golden ink on canvas) in a sacred meditative state after connecting to the voice of your heart space, through the connection she feels from your given name – date of birth and intention.

Book a SKYPE appointment today

Prices start $144. 16″ x 20″ canvas – one hour plus intuitive reading 15 – 20mins