June 27, 2017 - 7:00 pm US Eastern
June 27, 2017 - 9:00 pm
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Join us for this special INTERVIEW and ARTJAM with Ishka Lha in the Visionary Arts Academy at 7pm EDT on Thursday June 27th 2017!
With her imagery, Iskha reveals a world of the eternal Beauty that is all things. A river of elementals, cosmic beings, and magical beasts swirl together in one great flood of light and shadow, emanating the shapes and colors illuminated within the Beloved’s kaleidoscope.
With every turning of the wheel, an ever-changing cycle of Life appears. Dawn spills into the night sky, a blossom falls as a cherry grows, and the movement of our mind trickles down into a land where thoughts kneel before a pool of peaceful waters, watching silently, as Spirit emerges from the depths…
Ishka loved to draw ever since she was a little girl, even if it meant getting carsick on long road trips with her family because she was so focused on her sketchpad. While she loved art, she pursued a “financially stable” career initially, and graduated from California Polytechnic State University with a professional bachelors degree in architecture.
During her fourth year in college, Ishka spent a year studying abroad in France, and traveled all over Western Europe. Her experience of life outside the U.S. transformed her entire perception of art, architecture, and community; and it was then that she became much more certain of her path, both as an artist and an architectural designer.
Then, she had a miraculous experience in Portugal, where a rose, long-awaited, bloomed in her heart, and Ishka began to recognize God in all beings. She awakened to a Great Love for herself and everyone around her. This shift in her awareness marked the inception of her life long spiritual journey.
Upon returning to California, she continued her studies, but her passion for art was renewed with a vehemence and sense of freedom all too wild and magnificent to describe any other way than to draw it. She no longer felt inhibited by the stigmas society had put on her greatest gift.
After graduation, Ishka made a solid commitment to her practice as an artist, and architecture would be her mistress. Ishka has since embarked on many other travels in North America and abroad, exploring and expanding her participation as a true citizen of the world. She uses every opportunity available to absorb spiritual guidance and inspiration for her art, and foster her development and dedication to community building and lifestyle.
My work is a reflection of how we experience life with an attitude of thanks, grace, and play. When we do this, reality is a lot more like a dream. Everything takes on an air of fluidity, and there is more space in our minds to experience moments like water in a river, continuing onward without resistance to what is. This does not mean that we give up the power of choice, or that we “give in” to whatever comes our way—to emulate the river is to understand that the nature of the river is to keep on. Water does not hold onto the riverbank, it simply flows.
One purpose of my work is to act as a reminder that the world is not black and white. If we remain present, patient, and curious throughout life, we judge others and ourselves less often, and adapt more easily and frequently to beneficial change. This is the result of a grand collaboration of events! The style and subject matter in my art represent the ability to experience perfection as a wondrous state of transformation, acknowledging each phase and form of existence as part of a sacred universal process. Once we are able to perceive our interdependence with all things, we can synchronize our perspective with and direction towards the greatest landscape of interconnection we can imagine, and life becomes the most exhilarating game we’ve ever played.
We are all born with infinite potential to create beauty; and as we fulfill our basic needs, and honor our potential, we offer the world the greatest gift. When we do and say things that bring others and ourselves real joy, we are creating beauty. When we live authentically to our individual nature in empowering ways while encouraging others to do the same, we are making art. Through creative expression and compassionate communication, differences between individuals become opportunities for understanding instead of conflict, art instead of destruction, poetry instead of war. We find hope in what may have once been great disappointment. Negative concepts about God and religion are transmuted into diverse pathways that lead straight to the heart. We accept all as beings that simply love and need to be loved.