February 22, 2018 - 6:00 pm US Eastern
February 22, 2018 - 8:00 pm
Join us In the Studio for this special live INTERVIEW and ARTJAM with Lindy Kehoe in the Visionary Arts Academy recorded on Thursday February 22nd 2018!
Lindy Kehoe’s art explores worlds big and small, from faerie creatures to surreal animals and cosmological beings. Her images often feature gentle faces and flowing curves, exuding a warmth and softness that is unmistakable.
She has a Bachelors of Fine Art from Ohio University, is a certified Art Educator (K-12), has been published in several books and magazines, and has done at least 9 solo shows.
Explore Lindy’s artwork at
“My work is inspired by serendipity, a momentary feeling of interconnected magic, that often feels like a dream. I am motivated to created images that bring peaceful energy to the viewer, a place of remembrance, a place of innocence.”
Lindy Kehoe